Tuesday, September 11, 2012

5 simple ways to be a great mom today

Sometimes I find myself getting so wrapped up in the day-to-day stuff of taking care of a house, being a wife, being a mom, dealing with bills and paperwork etc. that I forget to do many of the things listed in the following article : http://www.roomag.com/5-simple-ways-to-be-a-great-mom-today/

The one that's really hitting home is #1 

Give your child your UNDIVIDED attention. Listen, listen, listen. But not just with your ears… with your face, your body language, and your voice {asking questions and drawing out more of their story}. Nothing communicates love to your child like having your full attention, even if it’s just for a few minutes!

It seemed easier to do this when I only had one child, but I know I didn't always do this when Noah was the only child in our family. With Cameron being so little and not understanding the concept of patience, he often occupies a lot of my time and attention when I'm talking to Noah, or helping him with his homework, or whatever it may be. And let's face it, there are so many distractions - the telephone, the mounting pile of papers on the desk that need to be dealt with, the laundry, the computer...but, this is a nice reminder to stop and just listen, even if it's only for a few minutes a day. 

I'm sure you'll remember those moments over the times you dealt with the day-to-day stuff a lot more in the future. 


  1. Evie's homework every night is 20 minutes of reading...since she can't read yet it means Sean or I read to her. We set a timmer and sit in her room without intrupptions for 20 minutes. This allows her to chat about the books as well as with me. I think it is importnat to find 10 minutes for each kiddo...using a timer might be the best way. Of course with 2 you would need your husband on board to help entertain the other one. see that as a win for both of you.

  2. That's a great fit for your family! My hubs isn't usually home in the evening before the kids go to bed, but what you made me think of is this - I usually put Cameron to bed before Noah, and while I'm doing this Noah waits in bed for me listening to music. What I could add into our bedtime routine of prayers and asking what his favorite part of the day was is one book and have him pick it out while I'm with Cameron and then we read it together! Before we know it our kids will be out of the house and we will miss these little moments.
